The Five of Cups

Apr. 24, 2020

alt Five of Cups

Five of Cups

So, for the New Moon in Taurus we did a little Tarot reading. The first card of focus was to be “what do I need to nurture during this season?”

I pulled the Five of Cups. A card typically associated with regret, failure, disappointment, and other negative emotional fixations. At first, this confused me. But after some mindful soul-searching, the purpose came to me. It’s time to stop beating myself up over “lost time” and “missed opportunities.”

These are simple but common traps all of us are prey to. We sit and look at our lives—as is all the more common at this juncture in time for all of us—and we see the waste, the want, the worry, the shame, and the squandering of time and opportunity. I’m especially guilty of this.

So during this season, it’s my obligation to my self is forgiveness of all of that. And furthermore, to ensure I focus my time and attention into purposeful and creative actions.